Octoverse Sweepstakes Campaign

Octoverse sweepstakes campaign is a system-based marketing campaign that picks the winner at random. It's a modernized way of marketing for a variety of purposes such as customer loyalty programs, promotions, or other marketing initiatives. Octoverse enables your brand to achieve brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue to gain a competitive advantage in the market as both existing and new customers can participate in it. Octoverse helps campaign managers able to develop customer and analyze it at once through the web portal based on interest.


Our Features and Capabilities



Analyze the data visualization displaying multivariate types or ranges from few to large datasets in real time.

Transaction Filter

Allow to sort and analyze the transactions based on specific criteria such as date range, or information by end users.


Enable to download CSV file for transaction details.

Campaign Management System

Enable to active or inactive the campaigns.

Campaigns can be Created in QR and Hyper Link.
